Aging with Vitality May Programming!
Our May programs are as always, based on program participants' input! Our lineup includes
Downsizing the Family Home by Brenda Porter-Huston EXP Reality:
Moving can be overwhelming especially when downsizing and having to reconsider so many treasured belongings with memories. Brenda will walk us through tips to make the task less daunting and even enjoyable!
Emotional Wellness and a Home Safety Program provided an RN to BSN student.
Angela Lewis will help us review how we can find emotional wellness in our lives.
Kristi Gearlds RN-BSN student will discuss safety tips in the home to prevent injury!
Tips to prevent Fraud and Scams from Elizabeth Edwards with Hickory Point Bank and Trust
Elizabeth spoke with our group at our West Peoria satellite program. She is a wealth of knowledge and very committed to help us not be a victim of fraud!
Monthly BINGO party with Grand View Alzheimer's Special Care Center and Monthly BIRTHDAY BASH!
We always start with some kind of physical stretching to get everyone warmed up and ready to enjoy the morning. Our number of participants continues to grow as word gets out that PEORIA NEEDS A SENIOR CENTER!
Our Aging with Vitality weekly programs are graciously funded through a grant from the Central Illinois Agency on Aging.
We hope to see you there! Come for the education and stay for the fellowship! You will be glad you did!