Peggy Jacques, MS, RN
Founder and Executive Director
How did Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging start? Peggy Jacques has had a passion for the care of older adults since childhood. With special memories of her grandparents and older adults in the neighborhood, Peggy developed a positive image of aging and learned to respect her elders. Working as a nursing assistant and RN in nursing homes and in various facilities throughout in her career, the safe and appropriate care of older adults became a priority concern. Her last child went away to college in 2016, allowing Peggy time to devote her career to older adults. In 2017, the current practice of businesses selling and trading off of nursing homes became an obstacle for Peggy to become a nursing home administrator. She redirected her path and earned a Certificate in Geriatric Health Care from the University of Phoenix. As part of this program, students studied their areas for a particular need or problem facing older adults. The absence of a physical location specifically focused on the health and wellbeing of older adults living in the city of Peoria emerged as a gap in very necessary services. Peggy visited the Mather's Cafes in Chicago to explore a wellness model of service that would fit and "play in Peoria". Peggy gathered friends and professional colleagues to form the Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging (GCPA) as a not-for-profit organization in August of 2019. Despite restrictions from COVID, this energetic and dedicated board continues to develop policies and programming, seeking funding and a physical location to open safely, targeting the Fall of 2021.