Henry County Senior Center in Kewanee, IL.
The Henry County Senior Center provides an array of services. Their website lists that at their Senior Center, attendees may:
Eat dinner with friends
Have your blood pressure checked
Educational Opportunities
Join an exercise class
Meet new friends
Find/Volunteer opportunities
Sign up for trips and tours
Make your day meaningful
Nutritional Meals
We have Home-delivered meals 5 days a week in Kewanee, Geneseo, Cambridge, Galva, Orion, Colona/ Green Rock, Atkinson, and Annawan. Home-delivered meals are available to shut-ins 60 years of age and over, who are unable to prepare for themselves.
We also have a congregate meal site in Kewanee where you can stop in to eat lunch with us at 12:00 Monday through Friday.
Every Tuesday evening we have a meal at 5:00.
Senior Center
Here at the Senior Center, you will be able to enjoy activities.
Tuesday- Chair yoga 12:30
Wednesday- Movies 12:30
Thursday- Rag cut ups 12:30
Friday- Cinnamon rolls 8:30 to 10:30
Bingo 12:30
We also have a pool table, library, and puzzle area, along with a couple of sitting areas.
Information and Assistance
A staff person is available to provide information about community services and resources. Referrals are made to other Agencies and follow-up is provided to make sure needs are met.
In addition, receive help with:
Benefit Access Application
Caregiver support
Your problems large or small we are here to help you find the best possible solution.
Contact Henry County Senior Citizens, Inc
200 E South St
Kewanee IL 61443309-853-8831
Home | Henry County Senior Citizens, Inc (henryseniors.wixsite.com)
This is another example of why Peoria needs a senior center for its residents! Senior Centers serve as an oasis of resources, fun, wellness activities, and socialization.