August Weekly Programs

Weekly Programs
Wednesdays 10 am to 1 pm 
Life Together Center 

FUN and CHALLENGING for your wellness! 

Our August programs are geared to keep the fun and activities going! Please join us for these educational programs. Our Advisory Board will start using time after programming to do some brainstorming and group work on our efforts to continue onward after the American Rescue Grant is completed at the end of September!

We look forward to all hands on deck as we use our time well to plan and work ahead! 

Our August programs are as always, based on program participants' input!

Join us at our weekly Wednesday programs at the Life Together Center, 3625 N Sheridan Rd, from 10 am to 1 pm. It's free, no preregistration, and such a heartwarming time to be had! This month's programs:

We usually start out with fun stretching and exercises  with "Robin and her Band of Merry Seniors" followed by a program and refreshments. 

August 7th:    !0 warning signs of Alzheimer's Disease with Daryl Carlson from the 
                        Alzheimer's  Association
August 14th:  Ceramic Painting with Jeanne Strate and Jeanie Curtis
August 21st:  ThinkFirst for Life: Safe Driving with Lisa Maynard, OSF HealthCare Think First
                        Highway Safety
August 28th:  BINGO and monthly Birthday Bash Sponsored by Sheree Lyles, Sharon Health Care.

We always start with a physical activity to warm everyone up and ready to enjoy the morning. Our number of participants continues to grow as word gets out that PEORIA NEEDS A SENIOR CENTER! 

Our Aging with Vitality weekly programs are graciously funded through a grant from the Central Illinois Agency on Aging. 


Celebrating Past, Present, and FUTURE a HUGE Sucess!


Celebrating Those We Recognize for Greatness!