Robin Lehner, Board Member

Meet our newest Board Member, Robin Lehner! Robin comes to the board with a wealth of experience and energy! She coordinated programs as a Program Specialist for Sommer Park with the Peoria Park District and has been in management positions for marketing for several organizations. Robin leads our exercise session every week with fun and antics that get everyone laughing and moving! 

Here is her wonderful story to join the efforts of Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging

“Hello, all you Graceland People!”

My name is Robin Lehner and I am retired from working 20 years as a Program Specialist for Sommer Park. Every day was a new adventure.

I want to tell you about my new adventure. Walking into Graceland and seeing their sign “Aging with Vitality” really struck in my mind. I met Christa and later Peggy; two devoted people for seniors for them to serve and provide seniors weekly interesting programs. What Graceland was offering seniors is what drew me to more events.

Well, guess what? I am now teaching low-impact classes. I want to hear people laughing and having fun!

I am so proud to be on the Graceland board. I hope to bring ideas and help in serving our seniors. By being with the seniors in classes and serving on the board, I think I have more to offer.

Come and join us at Graceland for fun, education, and most of all, meeting other Seniors. Bring a friend. There is always room for more seniors!”

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Program Coordinators, and participants of our Graceland Center programs, we joyfully welcome you Robin and we are grateful for the expertise, energy, and joy of living that you bring to us!


June Recipes


Peoria Heights-Suburban Lion’s Club Donation