We are Graceland Center for Purposefully Aging

Graceland Center seeks to serve older adults who desire to live happily, productively, and economically in their communities. GCPA will provide an environment where older adults find resources, opportunities, and support for staying connected to and involved with their community, where they are recognized for the individuals they are rather than the age segment they belong to, and where they can continue to grow in health, mind, and spirit.

The mission of the Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging is to enhance the lives of older adults in the Peoria area.


The purpose of GCPA is to promote continued vitality and dignity for older adults in a way that goes beyond the usual reach, specifically...

  • to increase partnership, visibility, and service reach with the community

  • to attract the active older adult—active in outlook, attitude, and years—and to attract those who would benefit from but seldom consider using “senior” services

  • to improve the quality of life of older adult customers with programs aimed to help them to stay healthy, stay engaged, to be renewed, to be independent.

  • to increase satisfaction with services offered to older adults


  • Participants of Graceland will report improved physical, mental, and emotional health to GCPA staff

  • Graceland participants will express reduced problems and higher satisfaction with accessing community resources for older adults

  • Participants of GCPA will demonstrate a continual increase in attendance of programs, will provide feedback for programming of interest, and rate these programs as positively impacting their overall well-being.

  • Longitudinally, GCPA participants will report an overall ability to remain living in their homes for a longer period of time than they originally thought possible due to the connections to resources through GCPA and their improved mental, physical, and spiritual health.
