Health Tip: Attitudinal Healing!

Attitudinal Healing is a cross-cultural method of healing that helps remove self-imposed blocks such as judgment, blame, shame and self-condemnation that are in the way of experiencing lasting love, peace, and happiness. It is based on the belief that it is not people or experiences outside of ourselves that cause us to be upset. Rather, it is our thoughts, attitudes, and judgments about them that cause us distress.

Health is defined as inner peace and healing as the letting go of fear. These are guiding principles in this groundbreaking work in personal, collective, and global transformation.

The approach and philosophy is based on universal principles and forgiveness. People of all ages, beliefs, walks of life, and cultures volunteer, support, and benefit from the practice of Attitudinal Healing.

What is attitude health?
Health attitude refers to the attitudes individuals have towards their own health, including both health-risk attitudes and health-promoting attitudes.
What is attitudes in health and social care?
Attitudes serve an individual purpose to help sustain our understanding of ourselves. An attitude expresses our ideas about what is normal, right, realistic, sustainable or typical of an individual. In health care, some attitudes are judged as positive and others may be deemed negative.

Learn more about this amazing shift of outlook and how great an impact it can make in your overall well-being!


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