Spring Programs

Our April programs are quite diverse and lively to kick off our spring programming! Our lineup includes

  • Brain Health: always exploring new ways to stay sharp mentally!

  • Story Telling  with special guest Charlene Homan from Touchstone Storytelling who will guide us in telling our story

  • Cannabis use in older adults:  more info from RN Ph.D. Student Affife Hallabi and Trinity Cannabis

  • Monthly BINGO party and starting our Monthly BIRTHDAY BASH!

We always start with some kind of physical stretching to get everyone warmed up and ready to enjoy the morning. Our number of participants continues to grow as word gets out that PEORIA NEEDS A SENIOR CENTER! We know that older adults are at risk for social isolation and are in need, as we all are, of connecting with other people. Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging seeks to enhance the lives of older adults through education, connections, and innovation! There are over 30,000 persons in the city of Peoria, Il over the age of 50 years and about 20,000 over the age of 65 years. This is not a “nice thing” for Peoria to have, it is essential to the wellbeing of our community! We hope you take the time to learn more about our purpose and join us in our work to create a wellness center for Peoria!

We are especially looking forward to this special opportunity to learn more about how to tell and appreciate a story!


WHOLE Health and Wellness Day with Mosaic Christian Church and the OSF Care-A-Van


Celebrating those Aging with Greatness!