What’s New

Grant Presentation August 9th
Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging will have the opportunity to explain our quest to initiate socialization, education and resource Aging with Vitality programming to adults age 50 and above for Peorians!

Interview on Business Forward
Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging Founder, Peggy Jacques is interviewed by Matt Georige for the WTVP program, Business Forward. It airs on August 3rd!

Program Coordinator
Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging is seeking a part-time Program Coordinator!

We are Graceland Center for Purposefully Aging
Graceland Center seeks to serve older adults who desire to live happily, productively, and economically in their communities. GCPA will provide an environment where older adults find resources, opportunities, and support for staying connected to and involved with their community, where they are recognized for the individuals they are rather than the age segment they belong to, and where they can continue to grow in health, mind, and spirit.