What’s New

WANTED: Advisory Committee Members to help Graceland Center move forward!
Join the Advisory Board and help support Graceland Center into the next year!

Community Resource: Interim HealthCare of Downstate Illinois
Interim HealthCare of Downstate Illinois provided the BINGO game and prizes for Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging this April. We are grateful for the support of our community partners to create a senior center in Peoria, IL!

May Health Tip: Physical Activity is Critical to Health!
Physical Activity is Vital to Health!

Henry County Senior Center in Kewanee, IL.
Henry County Senior Center in Kewanee provides a wonderful array of services!

Join us for Line Dancing for Mature Adults!
Line Dancing for Mature Adults on May 16th 11 am to 1:30 pm at the Peoria TriCounty Urban League!

Aging with Vitality May Programming!
Contributing Graceland for Purposeful Aging participants for the Impact Survey

April is National Garden Month!
April is National Gardening Month! Celebrate springtime and consider creating some type of garden to grow plants that will nourish your spirit!

Board Member Spotlight
Our Board Member Highlight this month is on Nyrobi Wheeler, MBA. She serves as our Board Secretary and is an excellent teacher mentor, and friend to many! We are grateful to have her on our board championing our mission!

April Health Tip
Psychiatrist, geriatrician, and UCSF professor Andreea Seritan, MD, provides suggestions below for a healthy balanced day.

Volunteer Appreciation! Brenda and Bill are stellar volunteers!
Graceland Center appreciates its volunteers!

Senior Resource Highlight: Living By Your Own Design
Living By Your Own Design is a tremendous resource for families in Peoria, IL to plan the next chapters of their lives.