What’s New

Welcome New Board Member: Emma Bailey
Emma Bailey, BSN, RN is one of Graceland Center’s new Board of Directors!

Senior Center Update for Decatur, Il
Decatur, IL received funding to build a new senior center. This is a perfect example of what Graceland Center is seeking to create for older adults in Peoria!

July Health Tip: Be CREATIVE!
Plan to be creative! Even a small new project can give you a boost! Ask a friend to join you and make it double fun!

Graceland Center donates to Ronald McDonald House
Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging donates to the Peoria Ronald McDonald House

Celebrating Those We Recognize for Greatness!
Celebrating Those We Recognize for Greatness!

Peoria Heights-Suburban Lion’s Club Donation
Peoria Hights-Suburban Lions Club gave a generous dontation to Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging this month.

Silver Story: Meet Mr. Bob!
Bob is a faithful participant in Graceland Center programs! He is a wise listener and helps the group laugh with his jokes!

Free Dental Clinic!
The Illinois State Dental Society offers a fantastic opportunity to the public for persons in need of dental care!

Senior Center Highlight: Collinsville Township Senior Center
Dancing is one of the many programs and activities offered through the Collinsville Township Senior Center!

Senior Resource: Grand View Alzheimer’s Special Care Center
Grand View Special Care Center is an avid supporter of Graceland Center’s efforts to create a senior center for Peoria!

Celebrating Past, Present, and FUTURE!!
Celebrating Past, Present, and FUTURE! Saturday July 20th 2024!